Welcome to my Blog! I hope that these blog posts help you to let your hair down, take your shoes off, and feel the magic during our sessions a little easier. No matter what happens we are going to capture beautiful split seconds in time that, even though they may not feel like it at the time, will hopefully fill you with emotion.

Let me be real here for a minute. This photo means so much to me. I had just had my third baby and my husband was full time school and full time work. Three five and under. I felt like I was drowning a little. And don't we all feel that way at some stage in our lives?!? Maybe you are able to cope better than I am, but sometimes I get stuck. The point being I remember this day vividly. The two older kids were running around fighting and hitting each other and it was freezing outside and I couldn't think of anything for them to do anymore (I didn't want to take my brand new baby out in that germ infested world if i didn't have to!) I was sitting on the floor in the hallway in between the master and kids room and in desperation is said "go jump on my bed." Both of them were like "WHAT?!?" Who lets their kids jump on their bed?!? Not me, not ever. But this time I did. And thats when I saw the light spilling into my room (can i say i miss my master bedroom terribly!!!! It had the most amazing light and my decorating was spot on to what I wanted it to be; I digress) . The point being, I got out my camera and while the littlest one laid on the floor watching the big blobs of children flying through the air, I shot memories. And though its only been a year I can feel everything from this photo and I miss how small she was! Where has my baby gone?
Photography is my outlet. It can be yours too. Let loose every once in awhile (its really hard for me to do honestly so thats why i say every once in awhile) and let life take you somewhere. Even if you're struggling that day, especially if you're struggling that day, do something you normally wouldn't and then take your own photos of it! Or call me and let me take photos of your magic. We can stage magic too :) its still just as fun as if it was spontaneous to your children; they won't even know the difference!
Let your hair down. Feel the magic. Be involved. Boy! I need to follow my own words of wisdom here! Whether its with me and my camera or you are yours. or me, my camera, and you ;) You can do it.